What is Gonorrhea?

How Gonorrhea Spread?
* Sexual activities such as Oral Sex - transfer of saliva, semen, and germs in your body through mouth of gonorrhea-infected person, Anal Sex - transfer of bacteria or infection to your body through the penis, and Vaginal Sex - transfer of gonorrhea germs to your body through vagina and penis intercourse – this is one of the major causes.
* If a pregnant woman has gonorrhea infection and his baby contracted with this infection during pregnancy then it can be passed to her child due to which the risk of miscarriage and premature birth is increased.
* Babies born while the mother is infected have very high chances to get eye infections and other diseases & disorders that effects directly on eyes and other parts of the baby.
You might have symptoms in any of these areas:

Throat: These symptoms can be mild, like a severe throat or swollen lymph nodes.
Joints: If the bacteria that cause gonorrhea infect your joints, it's called septic arthritis. You'll notice the affected joints are irritated, red, swollen, and warm to the touch.
Eyes: If you touch your eyes after touching bodily fluids that are infected with gonorrhea, you could notice conjunctivitis (pink eye).
Test & Treatment for Gonorrhea :
If you suspect that you have come in contact with gonorrhea or if you are experiencing symptoms then it is important to do Gonorrhea testing. You can either go to any Doctor or clinic for test or you can do it on your own with a DIY test for Gonorrhea.
Now the Head Start Testing - a test kit provider offers you the Gonorrhea test kit to detect this hazardous infection in just 10 minutes. Once you tested then you need to appoint with a doctor who can provide you the necessary treatment and answer all of your questions about gonorrhea.
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