Do I have Gonorrhea? What should I Do after a Gonorrhea Infection?

Gonorrhea - a bacterial infection that is caused by the organism Neisseria gonorrhoeae and mostly transmitted during unprotected sex. It is one of the oldest STD's (sexually transmitted disease) that shows symptoms normally show up between 1 and 10 days after you get the infection. However, some people don’t see any sign/symptom until after they’ve had the infection for months. They are always with a confusion of - Do I have Gonorrhea? Usually, in the case of women, most of the time no symptoms are seen at all.

It is important to be aware of the signs of this common sexually transmitted disease (STD) so you’ll have a more opportunity of recognizing and curing it within time. 

But before going further about the treatment of this disease, here we list some of the common myths about this disease that you certainly hear from your surrounding but you need to avoid these all. These myths are -

Having sex in hot tub minimizes the risk of STD.

You can't get STDs from oral sex.

All forms of birth control prevent STD transmission.

Condoms are 100% effective in preventing STD transmission.

Once you’ve been treated, you’re immune to the disease.

Now the questions here is – how is Gonorrhea diagnosed? What should I do after a gonorrhea infection?

How is gonorrhea diagnosed?

Swabbing is one of the finest approaches to Gonorrhea testing. It is done by cleaning the infected part (rectum, throat, cervix) and analyzing the bacteria in the laboratory either through culturing of the material from the swab (growing the bacteria) or identification of the genetic material from the bacteria. Newer tests to diagnose gonorrhea involve the use of DNA probes or amplification techniques to identify the genetic material of the bacteria. These tests are more costly than cultures but yield more accurate and rapid results.

What should I do after a Gonorrhea infection?

In the past, the therapy of gonorrhea was fairly easy. A single injection of penicillin healed almost every infected body. Sadly, there are some new strains of gonorrhea has raised that now become repellent to various antibiotics, including penicillins, and are therefore more difficult to treat. But, gonorrhea can still be operated by other injectable or oral medications.

Start the treatment by testing it with Gonorrhea rapid test kit to identify the exact stage of the disease. Its treatment should always include medication that will treat it precisely. Treating your sex partners also help the reinfection of the woman. Women suffering from PID need more complicated treatment that is highly effective against the infecting bacteria. In this case, women often require hospitalization and intravenous treatment of antibiotics.

How Do You Know if You Have Throat Gonorrhea?

Don’t expect green pus to start oozing out of your tonsils (though if that does happen you should definitely see a doctor because you absolutely have something worse than throat gonorrhea). All you can do is understand the risks of the physical activities you participate in, enjoy them as safely as possible, and connect the dots if a person at risk of contracting gonorrhea, have a lingering sore throat. 

*Gonorrhea can cause life-threatening health problems, but only in rare cases, and only if it’s left untreated for a long time. 

*Yes, it’s scary that an infection that’s unlikely to cause symptoms can really hurt you in the long run—how are you supposed to know if you have it? When it is about genital infections, of course, the answer is simple: regular testing. 

*If you engage in a lot of oral or anal sex, it could be worth insisting on getting one of the two new tests every once in a while just to be sure you don’t have microbes making themselves at home in unexpected places. 

*If you are diagnosed with gonorrhea, a public health staff person will talk to you about informing your sex partners that they might have been exposed to gonorrhea and encouraging them to get tested. Gonorrhea testing is crucial in such cases. Your identity will not be revealed.

*Antibiotic resistance is on the rise for these infections, but most cases will still clear up without any problems if they’re caught early. 

Take your antibiotics and make sure you’re actually cured before having sex with anyone. The main symptom of throat gonorrhea is a sore throat but up to 90% of individuals infected may have little or no symptoms. If you feel a symptom or have an oral gonorrhea then clear your doubt by doing a DIY test for gonorrhea – an FDA & WHO approved gonorrhea rapid test kit provided by Head Start Testing.

Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B – A DIY Test For Detection

Hepatitis is related to inflammation of the liver. A liver can become inflamed for many causes, such as drinking too much alcohol, physical injury, autoimmune response, or a reaction to bacteria or a virus. The five most typical hepatitis viruses are A, B, C, D, and E. Some hepatitis viruses increase the chances of has fibrosis, cirrhosis, liver failure, or even liver cancer. Damage to the liver reduces its ability to function and makes it tougher for your body to filter out toxins.

Hepatitis A

Hepatitis A is a viral liver infection that can cause mild to severe illness. This virus is transmitted through the ingestion of contaminated food and water or through direct contact with an infectious person. Almost many people recover fully from this virus with lifelong immunity. The risk of hepatitis A infection is linked with a lack of safe water, poor sanitation & hygiene (such as dirty hands). A safe and effective vaccine helps to prevent hepatitis A. Safe water supply, food safety, improved sanitation, hand washing, and the hepatitis A vaccine are the most effective ways for this disease.

Hepatitis B

Hepatitis B is an infection of the liver that spread quickly and affects so much on the liver. By this infection, some people suffer so much in their daily routine especially while digesting food because the liver is the main part that helps to digest food and spread the essential nutrients to the human body. These nutrients are very important for a person to live a long & healthy life. Nutrients such as vitamins and minerals play a vital role in functioning of main body parts like eyes, hairs, skin, heart, organs, and brain. This infection spreads when a person contacts with infected person’s blood, saliva, and semen. It also spreads by using toothbrush, shaving razor and injection, etc. of an infected person. If a pregnant woman has the infection then the baby also gets the infection during birth. 

Some infected persons are not able to identify the symptoms of Hepatitis B and leave the infection to grow continuously – as a result of which your liver gets damaged & hurt badly. So, it’s better to have a DIY test for Hep B for detecting this infection in its early stages. To help you out, Head Start Testing is offering a highly reliable easy to use Hep B test kit – a rapid test kit manufactured under strict quality controls to give you precise and accurate results instantly in the comfort of your own home.

What Are the Symptoms & Signs of Chlamydia? - Head Start Testing

Had An Unprotected Sex? See, What Can Happen To You?

Well, talking about the increasing rate of STDs in the country, the count is on the go. The chances of catching any STD are even higher if a person had unprotected sex with different partners or one partner who is already having a disease. And the point of concern here is that many people who are suffering from these STDs don’t show any symptoms. 

Chlamydia is one of these most common Sexually Transmitted Diseases and most people who have chlamydia don't show any symptoms. Closely 3 million Americans get it every year, most commonly in the age of 14-24. Women have chlamydia in the cervix, rectum, or throat whereas men have chlamydia in the urethra (inside the penis), rectum, or throat.

Do I Have Chlamydia?

Chlamydia in women
Chlamydia is the most frequently reported sexually transmitted bacterial infection in the United States. Chlamydia is easy to grow because it's likeliness to have very mild or no symptoms, and thus many unknowingly pass it on to others. The CDC recommends that sexually active women get tested for STDs on an annual basis. Getting tested regularly is especially important since chlamydia infection increases the risk of contracting another STD such as HIV.

How chlamydia infects women
The chlamydia bacterium first infects the cervix (the passageway which joins the vagina and the uterus). Symptoms of chlamydia infection may include vaginal discharge, painful urination and stomach pain. From there, the infection may spread upward to the urethra (urine canal), the uterus (womb) and the Fallopian tubes (tubes that carry fertilized eggs from the ovaries to the uterus). If the infection is left untreated, it can reach to pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). In addition, chlamydia can lead to serious consequences such as infertility and ectopic pregnancy (a pregnancy in which the embryo develops outside of the womb).

Chlamydia Symptoms in Women
* Abnormal vaginal discharge (may have an odor) 

* Pain during urination

* Rectal pain, discharge or bleeding

* Inflamed eye 

* Bleeding between menstrual cycles

* Lower bellyache

* Lower back pain

* Nausea

* Fever

* Pain during sex 

* Sore throat

Chlamydia in men
When symptoms do occur in men, they may include a thick, yellow-white, milky or watery discharge from the penis and/or a burning sensation during urination. Pain and swelling in the testes may also happen, although such symptoms are less common. Untreated chlamydia infection in men can result in nongonococcal urethritis (NGU), an infection of the urethra, as well as epididymitis. For these reasons, men who frequently engage in sexual activity should value the importance of annual chlamydia testing.

Chlamydia Symptoms in Men
*Abnormal penile discharge (thick, yellow-white, milky or watery)

*Pain during urination

*Rectal pain, discharge or bleeding

*Inflamed eye

*Itching and burning nearby the opening of the penis

*Testicular pain and swelling

*Sore throat

If you are experiencing any of the above chlamydia symptoms, than you need to undergo chlamydia testing with a DIY Chlamydia rapid test kit provided by Head Start Testing.

Do I Have Gonorrhea? Get Absolute Details With Head Start Testing

Gonorrhea – often nicknamed “the clap” – can cause serious health complications if left untreated.
Gonorrhea – a most common Sexually Transmitted Disease in the United States – is caused by a bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Though it can be transmitted via any kid of sex – oral, anal, or vaginal.
Every year, approx 820,000 new gonorrhea infections crop up in the U.S. Physical contact with the penis, vagina, mouth or anus of someone carrying this bacterium can spread this infection. Young people – aging 15-24 years – are more likely to get infected.

Symptoms of Gonorrhea:

Talking about symptoms of Gonorrhea – in most of the cases – it doesn’t show any symptoms. Sometimes signs are so mild that you don’t even notice them. Consequently, lost of people don’t even realize that they are suffering from Gonorrhea. However, when signs appear, it can affect multiple sites in your body – probably the warm, moist areas of the body:
  • Urethra
  • Eyes
  • Throat
  • Vagina
  • Anus
  • Female reproductive tract

Symptoms are slightly different in Men & Women

For Women:

The Infection in Women appears much like as a vaginal yeast or bacterial infections – which makes it difficult to identify. However, most of the women do not possess any symptoms of Gonorrhea.

Symptoms include:

  • Increased discharge in Vagina
  • Pain or burning sensation while Urination
  • A sore Throat
  • vulvar swelling
  • red, swollen, warm, painful joints
  • bleeding after intercourse
  • heavier periods
  • Fever can occur if the infection spreads to upper genital tract

For Men:

The very first noticeable symptom in Men is a burning or painful sensation during Urination. However, some men may never develop any symptoms. With the progress of this infection in the body, the most common symptoms appear are:
  • Green or yellow discharge from the penis
  • pain in the testicles or scrotum
  • itching, difficulty swallowing, or swollen neck lymph nodes
  • inflammation (swelling) of the foreskin
  • Peeing more often than usual
This Infection can cause rectal pain & bleeding in both Men & Women. However, if spreads to the blood – can cause rashes, arthritis-like pain and/or a fever. As per research, this infection rate for women is slightly higher than Men. Also, pregnant Women can give the infection to the babies during their birth.
If you or your sexual partner have any of these symptoms, test yourself now with Gonorrhea rapid test kit online – available at Head Start Testing. It is an easy-to-use test that gives you an accurate result in just 10 minutes. If testing is positive for this infection, the individual and their partner should immediately visit Doctor for undergoing treatment.

What Are the Stages of Syphilis?


Syphilis is a sexually transmitted infection (STI) caused by a bacteria known as Treponema Pallidum. The proportion of women with Syphilis has been declining in the United States, but the rate among men, particularly men who have sex with men, has been increasing. 

Syphilis can be challenging to diagnose. Someone can have it without showing any signs for years. However, the earlier it is detected, the better and easy it is to cure. If it remains untreated for a long period than can cause major damage to important organs, like the heart and brain. That is why, it is crucial to do Syphilis testing the moment you notice any Symptom.

Do I have Syphilis? 

The first symptom of syphilis is a small, painless sore. It can arrive on the sexual organs, rectum, or inside the mouth. This sore is called a Chancre. People often fail to notice it proper away. Syphilis is only spread by direct contact with syphilitic chancres. It can’t be spread by sharing a toilet with another person, wearing another person’s clothes, or using another person’s eating utensils. 

Stages of Syphilis:

It has four stages, Primary, Secondary, Latent, and Tertiary.

1.Primary Stage:

The primary stage of syphilis occurs around three to four weeks after a person contracted to the bacteria. It starts with a small, round sore called a Chancre. It is painless but it’s extremely infectious. This sore may develop wherever the bacteria entered the body, such as on or inside the mouth, genitals, or rectum. On average, the sore shows up around three weeks after infection, but it can take 10 to 90 days to appear. The sore lasts for anywhere between two to six weeks. Syphilis is spread by direct contact with a sore. This usually happens during sexual activity, including oral sex.

2.Secondary Stage:

Skin rashes and a severe throat may develop during the second stage of syphilis. The rash won’t itch and it usually found on the palms and soles but it may occur anywhere on the body. Some people don’t notice the rash before it goes off. Other signs of secondary syphilis are such as headaches, fever, swollen lymph nodes, fatigue, weight loss, hair loss, and aching joints. These symptoms will go away whether or not treatment is taken. However, without treatment a person still has syphilis.

3.Latent Stage:

The third stage of syphilis is the latent stage. The primary and secondary symptoms disappear and there won’t be any noticeable symptoms at this stage. However, the bacteria remain in the body. This stage could last for years before progressing to the tertiary stage.

4.Tertiary Stage:

The last stage of syphilis infection is the tertiary stage. It can occur years or decades after the initial infection. This stage can be life-threatening. Some other potential outcomes of tertiary stage include are blindness, deafness, mental illness, memory loss, destruction of soft tissue and bone, neurological disorders, and heart disease.

If you have any doubt that you might have caught this hazardous infection, test yourself now with a DIY test for Syphilis – a Syphilis rapid test kit manufactured under strict quality controls at Head Start Testing. This easy to use kit gives precise and accurate results in the comfort of your own home. 

Gonorrhea Testing – Why It Is Required?

What is Gonorrhea?

Gonorrhea is one kind of STD which spread very easily and widely. It also generally referred to as "the clap" and is caused by the etiologic agent Neisseria gonorrhoeae. This bacteria was discovered in 1879 by Albert Neisser who gave his name to the group of organisms, Neisseria. The bacteria were brought to America by European settlers and explorers. Along with it, it was widely spread by sailors traveling from port to port passing it on. During this period, the treatment was mercury shot into the tip of the penis. After the discovery of penicillin in the 20th century, this form of treatment was eliminated.

How Gonorrhea Spread?

* Sexual activities such as Oral Sex - transfer of saliva, semen, and germs in your body through mouth of gonorrhea-infected person, Anal Sex - transfer of bacteria or infection to your body through the penis, and Vaginal Sex - transfer of gonorrhea germs to your body through vagina and penis intercourse – this is one of the major causes.

* If a pregnant woman has gonorrhea infection and his baby contracted with this infection during pregnancy then it can be passed to her child due to which the risk of miscarriage and premature birth is increased. 

* Babies born while the mother is infected have very high chances to get eye infections and other diseases & disorders that effects directly on eyes and other parts of the baby. 


You might have symptoms in any of these areas:

Rectum: You may itch or be sore, have discharge, pain while bowel movements, or even bleed from your anus. If you're a woman, your rectum can be infected too if you haven't had anal sex. You may grow the bacteria when you wipe yourself after using the bathroom.

Throat: These symptoms can be mild, like a severe throat or swollen lymph nodes.

Joints: If the bacteria that cause gonorrhea infect your joints, it's called septic arthritis. You'll notice the affected joints are irritated, red, swollen, and warm to the touch. 

Eyes: If you touch your eyes after touching bodily fluids that are infected with gonorrhea, you could notice conjunctivitis (pink eye). 

Test & Treatment for Gonorrhea :

If you suspect that you have come in contact with gonorrhea or if you are experiencing symptoms then it is important to do Gonorrhea testing. You can either go to any Doctor or clinic for test or you can do it on your own with a DIY test for Gonorrhea.

Now the Head Start Testing - a test kit provider offers you the Gonorrhea test kit to detect this hazardous infection in just 10 minutes. Once you tested then you need to appoint with a doctor who can provide you the necessary treatment and answer all of your questions about gonorrhea.

Do I have Gonorrhea? What should I Do after a Gonorrhea Infection?

Gonorrhea - a bacterial infection that is caused by the organism Neisseria gonorrhoeae and mostly transmitted during unprotected ...